Saturday, May 25, 2013

Ephraim's Rescue

This is a movie made by Mormons for Mormons. I loved it!
There are so many good messages in this movie. One of my favorites is it that no matter how many mistakes we make, no matter how many times we fall down, the important thing is that we keep trying. Just don't give up! God knows we're not perfect, but he wants us to try to do our best.
This movie made me feel like I have no excuse for not helping people. There are always people who need help. It made me really want to be a better person.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Princess and the Frog

[Tiana looks out her bedroom window]
Young Tiana: Charlotte's fairy tale book said, if you make a wish on evening star it's sure to come true.
Eudora: Hmm, won't you wish on that star, sweetheart?
James: Yes, you wish and you dream with all your little heart. But you remember, Tiana, that old star can only take you part of the way. You got to help him with some hard work of your own. And then... Yeah, you can do anything you set you mind to. Just promise your Daddy one thing? That you'll never, ever lose sign what is really important. Okay?
[Tiana nods yes]
I just watched this movie again for the first time in about three years. It's a good one! It teaches the value of hard work. But, working hard and getting what you want isn't everything. We all need nourishment, too: love, good relationships, and some time to rest once in a while.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Great Gatsby

All in all, I'd have to say that I liked this movie a lot, especially after talking about the story with my dad for just a couple minutes. It makes me think: How do I want to live my life?

Jurassic Park

I love this movie! It holds a special place in my heart because I remember watching it for the first time with my dad back in 1993 (and, of course, I still have my 20-year-old movie ticket). It's scary, but it also has lots of cute moments, especially as Alan Grant learns to not only tolerate children, but to also love and cherish them. It also makes you think a lot: What matters most in life? What is true success? What is the role of God, and what happens when we forget him and try to do everything on our own? Do we take more responsibility for something when we work for it? Do we stop to consider all of the possible consequences of our actions?
The 3D worked well; it was just as good as what I saw in the trailers for new movies, so props to all of those people who worked so long on the conversion. The effect was especially good on the first scene with the T-rex.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

El laberinto del fauno

If this movie doesn't freak you out, I doubt that many things will.
It's a gorgeous film with lots of little touches that make it cool. I find anything in the Iberian Peninsula fascinating, including the language spoken by the Faun: quite archaic indeed, but still very much Castilian.
The character of Captain Vidal was so despicable and reprehensible that the movie made me want to do only good things for the rest of my life. How could anyone act like that monster?
The use of magic in the movie was also very well done. It could all be in her mind, right? But then how did she get out of the locked and guarded room? It was kind of like Midnight in Paris in that the private investigator gets stuck in the 18th century, if you know what I mean.